Monthly Archives - June 2012

San Jose DUI Expungement Procedures

A DUI conviction does not have to be a mark on your permanent record. There is a possibility you are eligible for an expungement, which is something you want for when you look for future employment, apply for professional licenses and just generally lead the rest of your life. A criminal record is something you can ill-afford for both personal and financial reasons, but an experienced San Jose DUI attorney can apply for an expungement on your behalf, something that can essentially wipe the slate clean.

The expungement process can take about six weeks, but not everyone who is convicted of a DUI qualifies for one. If you were sentenced to any jailtime, then you do not meet the expungement eligibility requirements. However, any time you may have spent behind bars after the arrest and prior to the conviction will not count and you may still qualify. There can also be no other court cases or criminal charges pending or an expungement will not be given. If you were put on probation, then the probation period has to be over and completed successful before an expungement can be applied for. Your DUI lawyer in San Jose will review your case and decide if you are eligible before filing.

There are many benefits to having a DUI conviction expunged from your record. It can essentially give you a whole new lease on life with a fresh start. If you are filling out a job application, you can check off the box that says no criminal record with ease and confidence. Even if you do check that box, a potential employer can still choose to do a criminal background check and with an expungement, nothing will be found. However, there are some situations where you will have to reveal that you have had a criminal conviction expunged, which your San Jose DUI lawyer will inform you of. If you plan to run for public office or are applying for any type of government license or permit, then an expungement must be disclosed. However, it should not legally prohibit you from pursuing this office or license.

Once a judge has granted an expungement, you will receive a court notice informing you. And, while the application process is relatively simple, legal proceedings do go more smoothly if you hire a professional. If you think you are eligible to have a DUI conviction erased from your record, call a DUI lawyer in San Jose today.